A great question with even a better answer! My pottery buddy Suzie and I volunteered to create 200 bowls for a most wonderful charity here in SW Florida called “Empty Bowls”. After they are bisque fired, more volunteers glaze and create wonderful art on and in each bowl.
The best part is the event itself . . . Thousands of bowls are available for sale for $20.00 each during a giant all-day festival. During the day and into the evening – 50 participating restaurants make “Soup” and bread for anyone possessing a “Bowl”. So, with bowls in hand, off the buyers go searching to sample the top chef’s concoctions from pots and pots of delicious soup! Now that is truly a great time and event.
Last year an unbelievable 4,500 “Bowls” were sold (making our 100 bowls offering pretty minuscule) with the proceeds all going to our local food bank who help feed 40,000 food insecure community members during the year. How good is that! An unbelievable all-day event and an oh so fun evening as well.
So, as you can see, another dozen bowls have been thrown . . . with only a few more dozen to go. 100 bowls each is a pretty big number, but so is helping stock our food banks for those in need.

For more information see - http://emptybowlsnaples.com